
04 Aug 2022, 19:22
Ohmies, Over the last year, OlympusDAO has implemented a number of initiatives to improve understanding of how the DAO is executing on community authorized and mandated activities and initiatives. Today, we are pleased to announce another transparency initiative: the Olympus DAO quarterly report series. The first report provides information about DAO activities during the first half of 2022. Moving forward the DAO will release reports on a quarterly basis. The report answers many questions the community has about: What is OHM’s roadmap? The report outlines current and planned activities aligned with the Olympus12 Action Plan focused on achieving our goal of making OHM a trusted decentralized reserve currency How are the DAO Working Groups Performing? Policy, Treasury and other DAO Working Groups have developed reports on their activities during Q1 and Q2 2022 What are near-term priorities? Read the report to understand what is planned for Q3 2022 Moving forward, these reports will be released on a quarterly basis, and published on the Transparency section of the Olympus DAO website. 🔗 Link to current H1 Report: https://www.olympusdao.finance/transparency#quarterly-reports The Olympus DAO Council will attend the cOHMmunity call on discord to discuss the quarterly report and answer any questions the community may have.