Relwyn. @Ohmies. Ohmies. How are you doing. You good.

02 May 2022, 19:41
Relwyn @Ohmies Ohmies! How are you doing! You good? Between the Genesis Mint and Inverse Bonds, we had a lot of excitement over the weekend so let’s dig in to what’s happened around Olympus. <:mountainolympus:819316370219073587> From The Mountain: > Olympus Odyssey’s Genesis Mint happened on 4/29 and Whitelist and Ohmiepass participants were able to mint their NFT’s. The top tier Goddess has sold out with The Emperor and Apollo remaining to the public. Head over to to get yours fast before the remaining supply is burned. > Inverse Bonds have been released above backing and have already seen plenty of activity. Currently, they are listed for LUSD, though the offered unit of RFV can change in the future. Policy and Treasury will work together to monitor utilization against supply and make any necessary adjustments but we’re glad to have this first piece of the Range Bound model in place. <a:notes:936103023145545850> The Playbook: cOHMmunity Call - Join us for an informal chat about anything that you’ve got on your mind! We’ll take some time to tackle topics that have cropped up during the past week as well as open the stage for real-time dialogue with the team. VOD’s will be available on our Twitch for those who can’t make it. <:sOHM:864903608062443541> Forum Quorum: There are currently no outstanding proposals to be discussed or voted on, be on the lookout should anything new arise. Let’s make it another great week Ohmies! Stay 3,3